Welcome to my website

My name is Artur Martins and I have just finished my Degree in Computer Science and Engineering at @IST. Now I am starting my Master's at the same University. Even tough I do not consider myself a front-end developer, I realized the importance of having a personal website and took my holidays to build this one.

My curriculum will mostly be on LinkedIn and my projects on GitHub. The main goal of this website is to publish some news about the world of technology and my personal life. Hope to expand this website in the future.

A little bit about me

I am from Portugal and I am 21 years old. I am passionate about technology, motorsports and love being active. I am a federated athelete in sports shooting. My favourite sport is Rally and I watch WRC all the time. I also love riding motorcycles. I am a big open-source advocate and Linux user. My favourite programming language is undoubtedly C. My dad learned it at @IST and so did I. I also like C++ and Python. At this moment I am learning Rust and I find it quite interesting. I have a C2 level in English. I mostly listen to classical music and my favourite composer is Bach. My favourite music is Violin Concerto in A Minor RV356 from Vivaldi.

Mastered Technologies

Technologies I have some experience with

Technologies I am currently learning

My socials (just these two, do not need much more)